2021 Debrief & Looking Ahead to 2022

Later than I’d planned. Here we are, having come to the end of 2021, starting 2022. This last year was much like 2020 in that it was a year full of blessings for which we are thankful to our faithful Lord for, but also some trials. We are learning to trust Him with thankfulness in the blessings, and also…

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The Projects of 2020

Over the past several years, partly because of the work I do now, I have gotten into working with my hands and building things. I have shared some of my projects before, but wanted to share some of the things I got to do throughout 2020. I got to learn some new things/techniques, and I was able to make…

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Blessings in Disguise…or…How 2020 was a Great Year

Right now, all over social media, headlines, and sentiments from passersby all seem to be echoing the same thing: “2020 is finally over!” I hear this from person after person and while I can see some of the reasons this is the consensus, I can’t help but wonder what they are missing. My perspective is that 2020 was a…

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2019 Debrief & Looking Ahead to 2020

What happened to 2019? Here we are, starting a new year again. It boggles my mind to think of starting 2020. (though this is not new information) It seems like time moves faster and faster the older you are. 🙂 If I could describe 2019 in one word, I think I would go with growth. This past year, I…

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Song for the Day – The Star Spangled Banner

I had been meaning to post this on 9/11, but life was a little crazy that day. If you find yourself being complacent, or ungrateful, spend a little time thinking about the men and women who have died. Remember why… https://youtu.be/c8C7i9kdEf8 … and never forget.

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Quote For the Day | Fight

“The purpose of fighting is to win. There is no possible victory in defense. The sword is more important than the shield and skill is more important than either. The final weapon is the brain. All else is supplemental.”

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REPOST: Dustin DeFord – 5 Years Already

It doesn’t seem like it’s been 5 years since I found out that my friend was killed in a fire. It’s interesting to me to see how God puts people in your lives and uses them to grow you or how He uses there absence to grow you further. I don’t know what I can say except that I…

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