2018 was a good year of growth for me personally as well as for our family. We’ve had lots of fun along the way, and plenty of hard work too. Focused on some family time this year. We’ve tried to be willing to just include the whole family with things like running errands and stuff, often hitting Costco on an evening with pizza for dinner to follow at the food court.

We got to visit some family in CA and camp at the ocean too.
4 Generations of Volkman Men My brothers Sunset Beach Storytime with Grandpa and Cousin Evie
Kara started up here online art store again. I’m pretty excited about her being able to do this and use her eye for art. Check out her work here: BrynnandLee.com

And I got my first deer on our annual hunting trip. We (my wife, my dad & I processed all the meat ourselves this year).
Taking a break after a lot of hiking My first harvested deer. Dad got a buck too! Cam, Dad, and Kara working on meat processing
We also found out that we are expecting baby #4 at the end of July. Pretty exciting.
To start off 2019, Dustin and I built our biggest snowman ever!

Happy 2019!