Tools I Use – Threema Pt. 2

Previously, I talked about my decision to use Threema as my primary messaging app. I am writing a “part 2” because I wanted to add more info about Threema and how I use it. If you want to know what brought me to this app, check out Part 1. Disclaimer: I am not a cryptology expert; I only know…

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Tools I Use – Threema Pt. 1

In our fast moving, constantly changing world of today, communication is a vital part of how we interact with everyone around us. There is a never-ending list of types of communication not limited to long-form (email), short-form (SMS, Instant Messaging), and social (Facebook, Twitter). I have a desire to talk about all the tools I use and what their…

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Software – Yeah, I Can Be A Geek Sometimes

Sometime late in 1998, my family purchased our first PC (a beige box personal computer) in order to communicate with my dad via email during his first long-term deployment. This started my journey down the rabbit hole of technology geekery. I discovered the world wide web and spent (way too many) hours reading mostly on the Official Star Wars…

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